Klaas van Egmond (1946) started his career with research on air, soil and water pollution at the National Institute for Health and Environment (RIVM), where he later became Director Environment. As director of the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP), he advised the Dutch Cabinet of Ministers and members of parliament on issues of environment and sustainability. As emeritus professor he still gives (guest) lectures on environmental issues (energy, climate change, pollution etc), but changed his focus to broader sustainability questions as well, including value orientations (worldviews), cultural aspects and the financial-economic system More recently he published books and articles on the financial-economic as well as the social and cultural aspects of sustainability.
Dick de Zeeuw Foundation
De Dick de Zeeuw Foundation is opgericht als platform om mensen uit onder meer de politiek, wetenschap, overheid en non- gouvernementele organisaties bijeen te brengen voor een gedachtewisseling over onderwerpen rond ontwikkeling en milieu, en het belang van landbouw voor een duurzame ontwikkeling. De Foundation is opgericht ter herinnering aan de in 2009 overleden oud-politicus Dick de Zeeuw, en organiseert ondermeer de jaarlijkse Dick de Zeeuw lezing.-